Will We Have Camp in 2020

April 29, 2020 Mike Oldham No comments exist

What else can we say?

Many people are asking if we are going to have camp this summer. We are asking this question as a camp staff. In calls with leaders from other camps, this question seems to be on everyone’s mind. They are scrambling for answers and alternatives. We are asking for guidance from the Governor’s office, but this is probably a couple weeks away. Bottom line, we will let you know as soon as we can. What else can we say?

Should I register my camper?

We are recommending that parents not register their campers until a decision is made. We will push back early registration appropriately. We will also have a generous refund policy for those who do register.

What are the concerns?

As the states begin to open up businesses, many think that give a green light to hold camp. As we look at holding camping, our first concern is the health and safety of our campers and staff. Initially, one might think that being outside at a camp would be a relatively safe place.

We know that it is almost impossible to practice social distancing at camp:

  1. Sleeping in dorms/cabins
  2. Eating meals in the Dining Hall
  3. Participating in activities that include trust and touch (think low ropes and rappelling, not to mention messy games)
  4. Worship times

If testing were possible for all campers when they arrived at camp, everyone would feel much better about the safety of camp, but at this time, rapid result testing is simply not an option.

Additionally, we could put campers in groups of eight with a group leader, but then they would interact with other groups at different times during the day. Thus, the whole “under 10 group size” is defeated.

Finally, we are struggling to imagine campers doing activities, worshiping, and all the things of camp in face masks.

Who will make the decision about whether we will have camp?

Because Front Range Camp is a ministry of the American Baptist Churches of the Rocky Mountains that is held at Quaker Ridge Camp, we have multiple voices that will help make the decision:

  1. ABCRM staff and Board
  2. Quaker Ridge staff: They can simply close the camp, but they are working hard not to do this.

What Information will be used to make the decision?

  1. Recommendations from the State of Colorado
  2. CDC Advisories
  3. Will CSU and Boulder allow students to return to dorms?
  4. Recommendations from the American Camping Association
  5. What is our insurance company’s recommendation?
  6. How will local K-12 schools approach the resumption of school in the fall?

When will a decision be made?

A decision will be made and published by the end of May.

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